With energy, heat, and electricity, we create our fine Munich beers from the best raw materials in our brewery facilities. Always under the guiding principle: Saving energy protects the environment and our climate.
Saving energy and working efficiently is a core endeavor for us in reducing and avoiding CO2 equivalents. Responsible use of energy significantly contributes to our steps to avoid and reduce CO2 emissions.
We also strive to increase the use of renewable energies. Thirty percent of our energy consumption in production and logistics is covered by renewable sources.

The heat required for our brewing facilities is generated using natural gas as the primary energy source. We aim to use this and the resulting heat as efficiently as possible, as its combustion is the main contributor to our CO2 emissions under Scope 1 (GHG Protocol).
Smaller Steam Boiler
Our steam boiler, installed in 2010, allows us to eliminate the use of heating oil and contributes significantly to reducing our CO2 emissions. Compared to the previous system, the steam boiler could be designed to be 40% smaller. This is a result of our long-term efforts to save energy.

Hardworking Bottle Washer
"A Clean Thing": The "new" machine cleans our beer bottles even more thoroughly while significantly reducing water usage. An efficient new acquisition with lower requirements for heat and electricity and a significantly reduced water consumption by over 40%. When cleaning 40,000 bottles per hour, efficiency is indispensable.
Brewhouse Renovation 2018/2019
With the expansion of our brewhouse in 2019, we achieved a transition to a more aroma-preserving and environmentally friendly production. We reduced our evaporation rate from 8% to 4% – simply put: we no longer evaporate as much water when boiling the wort. This requires less energy. Additionally, we have installed the world's most advanced energy measurement system in a brewery brewhouse. This allows us to accurately track our energy consumption at various points. From this knowledge, we can derive further improvement measures.
Since 2009, we have been using green electricity to protect the climate. Additionally, we handle this precious energy responsibly and try to use it as efficiently as possible.

Green Electricity
In 2009, we decided to switch to 100% green electricity. This decision has allowed us to avoid more than 25,000 tons of CO2 emissions over the past 15 years.
Photovoltaic System
Our photovoltaic system, in place since 2015, provides us with approximately 20,000 kWh of electricity per year for our own use. This reduces our reliance on externally sourced green electricity. Additional PV systems are in planning.

Energy Saving Measures
We believe that simply switching to green electricity is not enough. Therefore, we aim to use it as consciously as possible.
For all new acquisitions, efficient electricity consumption is an important decision criterion for us. We have gradually replaced all lighting on the brewery premises with energy-saving LED lights. Additionally, we are progressively replacing power-intensive pumps that have become somewhat outdated.

We maintain the environmentally conscious use of fuel in our vehicle fleet and are converting it to renewable propulsion technologies for a sustainable future.
Truck Diesel Savings
We reduce the fuel consumption of our brewery's own trucks by renewing the fleet and conducting regular driver training.

Car Fleet
We are gradually converting our car fleet: the medium-term goal on the way to emission-free mobility is 95 g CO2/100km. We already use several electric cars and have expanded our fleet with hydrogen models: one hydrogen car and two hydrogen vans as pool vehicles for employees.
Environmental Protection
at All Levels
Discover our full range of environmental protection and sustainability measures.